Consejos, tendencias y secretos beauty - skincare para inspirarte en tus días y elevar tus rutinas al siguiente nivel

  • Fitocosméticos: la naturaleza al servicio de tu piel

    Phytocosmetics: nature at the service of your skin

    Plant cosmetics are beauty products that use plant extracts in their formulation. In recent years they have been gaining more and more popularity among consumers thanks to its multiple benefits for skin and hair, as well as being a more natural alternative to traditional cosmetics.

    CBD has been one of the last extracts to be incorporated into phytoposmetics with very good acceptance for its antioxidant, nutritional, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties with visible skin results.

  • La Pirámide de la piel

    The Pyramid of the skin

    The skin pyramid is a basic instrument to understand and summarize the main steps that we must follow in our facial care routine to obtain optimal long-term results and show off a skin with the best care. If we correctly...

  • Incorpora la aromaterapia en tu rutina

    Incorporate aromatherapy into your routine

    What is aromatherapy and when did it start to be used? Essential oil therapy is a holistic treatment to promote health and wellness by using natural plant extracts (flowers, leaves, seeds, barks, and fruits) to promote health and wellness. The...

  • ¿Qué sabes de la piel?

    What do you know about skin?

    The skin is the largest organ in our body and one of the most important to protect our body from the environment that surrounds us. So we must take care of it and pamper it so that it is always...

  • Cuídate con CBD

    Take care of yourself with CBD

    Trust Skin Care with CBD The properties of CBD are becoming more and more known and its application in cosmetics is very extensive and versatile, so they should not be dispensed with in skin care routines. First of all, what...